LEN newscompliance aziendale

Let’s talk about corporate compliance. Try to do it clearly and simply, without denying the complexity of the concept. Compliance is what we call compliance in English. Corporate compliance is the set of all those activities, mainly prevention, that go to safeguard the company from specific risks related to work.
Let’s give an example. A supplier of our company is not in compliance with the Single Document of Contributory Regularity, better known as DURC. In the event of checks by the competent authorities, the penalties may affect not only the supplier but also our company.
Let’s take a second example. An employee embezzles assets or resources from the company.

The company can protect itself only if it has prepared a company organization chart with precise levels of responsibility and supervision, so as to accurately identify both the stolen good and the individual responsibility of the employee, activate the asset recovery procedures and penalties to the unfaithful employee.
Compliance is now very important in business organizations, and of course it changes every month as it adjusts to regulatory changes. Because the heart of compliance is protecting the integrity of the business: where a flaw opens up, navigation begins to have problems. Dealing with compliance is therefore thinking and acting to protect our business.



compliance aziendaleThe compliance umbrella is large, it includes national laws, EU directives, regional laws and the laws of the municipality of residence, and of course internal regulations, Company policies and all practices that regulate compliance and the internal life of our organization. But it is an umbrella that repairs, and that protects the employer as well as employees and freelancers.

Because it invests in legal issues, by definition sensitive issues, compliance is a formidable reputation tool. Enjoying a good reputation is undoubtedly an economic advantage for the company. A reputation that not only results in good management but also in the ability to influence the choices of customers and business partners, a guarantee for stakeholders who find a greater advantage in investing resources in a stable and quality company.

Making a company conform to the law is the task of all, starting with the top figures. Legislative Decree 231 of 2001, entitled “Discipline of the administrative responsibility of legal persons”introduced into the Italian legal system the administrative responsibility of legal persons for crimes committed by the top managers as well as by persons subject to the supervision of the top managers, both for the benefit and to the detriment of the company. Ultimately: make the company comply with the law, define standards of conduct, mitigate as much as possible any risk.



Compliance starts from a correct approach. It is certainly a complex and interdisciplinary area and as such there are different ways to approach. Every company must start from its own culture, from its own written and unwritten rules, must know the rules and be prepared to best apply a corporate compliance that can protect the company.

A IT tool – dynamic and constantly evolving – for risk reduction and regulatory compliance management is called Kati. Kati is a web-based software created by Len Solution that allows you to track and manage all the deadlines and certifications of your company and suppliers who physically access production sites. It is ideal for RSPP, for corporate concierges, for administrative managers: it supports them in the process of acquiring legal documentation such as, for example, DURC, DUVRI, DURF, insurance, master documents, LUL or UNI-LAV, GREENPASS and other documents required by the company. Kati is customizable to the needs of the company, is configurable for levels of responsibility and role, has an expiration notification system with push notifications, allows digital storage in the cloud and backup system on two levels.

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