Document management of procurements with Kati: how to ensure corporate compliance with Kati In the complex world of procurement, document management is a crucial challenge for companies. Corporate compliance and document compliance are essential elements to avoid sanctions and legal disputes. In this context, Kati proves to be a valuable tool for contracting and outsourcing…
Kati’s Online Questionnaires: do manual suppliers evaluation costs you too much? Revolutionize your company with Kati’s Online Questionnaires: efficiency and accuracy at the reach of a click We are in the years when an innovative solution makes automatic manual and time-consuming activity, with the aim of focusing people on more complex operations and strategic decisions…
Have you ever wanted a tool that simplifies complex and laborious processes, integrates real-time data and optimizes your company’s decisions? Watch this video and see how Kati transforms the way you work! How Kati will help you every day: Intuitive interface: navigate through the features with a single click. Total customization: adapt the software to…
Kati – automated qualification: the future of supplier management is today Kati is an innovative and comprehensive supplier management solution that leverages the power of online questionnaires to simplify and automate a traditionally complex process. With Kati, Len Solution offers companies a powerful tool to improve efficiency, reduce risks and build a solid and reliable…
The offices will be closed from December 24th until January 1st. Our office will open regularly on Thursday, January 2nd at the usual working hours. For any urgent matter, please contact:
The traditional method of drawing up DUVRI and the innovative one by Kati You came to this article because the traditional method of writing DUVRI is too slow compared to the speed of your company, isn’t it? In this article we give you the tool to make this activity faster and more collaborative. …
What is DUVRI and why is it essential for safety at work? DUVRI stands for Documento Unico di Valutazione dei Rischi Interferenti (Single Risk Assessment Document). This is a mandatory document, provided for by the Single Safety Text (D.Lgs. 81/08), which aims to prevent and reduce risks to the health and safety of workers in…
The terms “software engineer” and “software developer” are often used interchangeably, but they actually indicate two roles with distinct nuances. Understanding these differences can help you choose the right career or better understand the development team that is working on your project. Software Developer: The Code Builder A software developer is, in essence, the manufacturer…
We are excited to announce the launch of the new website of Il Magazine del Parrucchiere. This project, developed entirely by our Digital Marketing and Web Design team, has already become a reference point in the hairdressing industry and is enjoying enormous success among professionals and beauty enthusiasts. Satisfied partner and excellent results The customer…
We talk about document compliance, also called compliance. We all know that you are a key factor in the current activities and success of a company, but have you ever wondered why? The fact that corporate compliance has preventive functions to protect your business within the framework of regulations in your sector and in risk…
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